
September 27, 2009


-Baby Olson's debut.-
(legs and umbilical chord on the left, head on right side)

We went for our first ultrasound on September 25th at which point I was informed that I was 22 weeks and 3 days along. A bit late for a first ultrasound but as far as we know everything looked fine and our baby is healthy.

With the help of modern technology we looked on as our baby squirmed and kicked. We were amazed at just how much detail you can see with an ultrasound! With our inside view and could see the smallest details from the heart beating (140 beats per minute!), to the stomach and even a full little bladder.

But the most amazing part of the whole experience was when our ultrasound technician told us that our baby's feet were already 3 1/2cm long! I'm still stumped as to how all 28cm of this baby fits inside me!! Amazing!


Katrina said...

are you SURE that's an umbilical cord???? ;)

The Olson's said...

Ha, ha! That's what the doctor told us...